Urban League Red
RGB: R214 G0 B28 CMYK: C0 M97 Y100 K3 Pantone: 2035c Hex: #D30000 (Websites & Digital) |
Empowering Black
RGB: R0 G0 B0 CMYK: C75 M68 Y67 K90 Pantone: Black Hex: #000000 (Websites & Digital) |
Diversity Grey
RGB: R104 G104 B105 CMYK: C59 M51 Y49 K19 Pantone: 426 u Hex: #686869 (Websites & Digital) |
Example Flyer: |
Guidelines for Creating Effective Flyers 1. Keep your content brief: Taking into account the design and the size of your flyer, the area where you could write content is limited. Flyer should stay 8.5 wide x 11 tall. Don’t overwhelm your reader by squeezing in a lot of information. Write your content in a concise way. Leave only the essentials.
2. Divide your copy into digestible sections: The appearance of your text can affect your reader’s interest. All text and fonts should be Arial or Arial Black. At first glance, long paragraphs look like giant walls of text that could turn off your reader. White space, that is the area around a certain design element, helps alleviate this strain. 3. Use bullet points and infographics: In line with presenting your content succinctly, try to summarize data by using bullet points and charts. This would make the information easier to understand. 4. Use high-resolution photos: Blurry and jagged photos can turn off any reader. Most people equate low-resolution images to unprofessional services and lack of attention to detail. Always use crisp and clear photos for your flyers. Free Photos can be found at these website: pexels.com, unsplash.com and pixabay.com 5. Create a catchy headline: The headline will always be the first line of text that your recipients will read. Try to make it catchy in order to hook them to read further. 6. Add a call-to-action: One of the most important parts of your content is the call-to-action statement. The call-to-action tells your reader what they should do after reading the information. “Call Us” or “Sign-Up Now” are common examples but feel free to be creative. 7. Include your contact information: This is pretty obvious but can be easily forgotten. Always put your contact information on the flyer. The bottom left hand is usually the ideal place for easy access. Example: For more information call: (314) 000-0000 or email: [email protected] |
Photo / Video Release Form | |
File Size: | 438 kb |
File Type: |
Example Video:
End Credit Screen: |
Guidelines for Creating Video Content
1. The Basics:
2. Connect With Your Audience: Show them what they want to see. Consider what information is most important to your viewer. For example: many non-profits, potential donors are really just looking to understand the impact of their donation. Show or tell them exactly where their money will be spent. |
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