Economic Opportunity
Securing Economic Self-Reliance
The Urban League empowers African Americans and others to achieve economic self-sufficiency and wealth accrual by prioritizing “ladders out of poverty” programming.
Transition for ChangeThe Transition for Change Employment program is designed to help clients who are dealing with child support issues and are underemployed or unemployed find gainful employment and careers. Their skill sets range from high school diploma to master’s degree, in different fields.
Employment ServicesThe Urban League provides resume writing, interviewing, job prospecting classes and job placement to clients. Statistics show that the largest barrier to African American employment is not a lack of job skills, but rather a lack of other skills (interviewing, resume writing, etc.) that are necessary to find desirable full or part-time employment.
Save Our SonsThe Save Our Sons (SOS) program seeks to help economically disadvantaged African American men living in the St. Louis region find jobs and have the opportunity to earn livable wages.
Business Training CenterThe Urban League helps clients to develop or refresh existing computer skills and to become knowledgeable about new technologies needed to compete in today’s job market.
Skill-Up TrainingThe Missouri SkillUP program works with Food Stamp recipients to provide free help with employability skills development, training, supportive services, and employer connections to get a job (or a better job.)
Financial LiteracyThrough money management education and increased banking/loan opportunities, the Urban League assists low-income clientele to more effectively manage their finances.
Bridging the Digital DivideThe Urban League helps to eliminate the lack of access to computers and technology skills for low-income clients by providing a state-of-the-art computer lab and instructional courses.
WeatherizationThe Urban League provides weatherization services to reduce ongoing utility costs; paying licensed contractors to install wall and ceiling insulation, caulking, weather stripping, glazed and repaired windows and doors, minor repair and complete furnace repair or tune-ups.
Save Our SistersThe Urban League Save Our Sisters program, empowers women to achieve their best in their careers, families and communities. It’s more than just a program. It’s about holistic wraparound services for all aspects of your life. With the Urban League Save Our Sisters program, we’ll help you reach your full potential.