Civil Rights & Advocacy
Empowering Civic Engagement and Social Justice
The Urban League engages customers and stakeholders in advocating for improved public policy to achieve social justice, becoming an expert source of information about the factors affecting African Americans. We utilize the advocacy efforts of our auxiliaries to promote civic engagement. Finally, our actions support the voice of the National Urban League and its efforts.
NulitesNULITES was started in the fall of 1989. NULITES is National Urban League Incentives To Excel and Succeed, a nationwide youth initiative, birthed by the vision and mission of the National Urban League Education and Youth division. NULITES chapters are sponsored by local Urban League affiliates and have their own officers who develop, implement, and execute activities with guidance from adult advisors and mentors.
Urban League GuildThe Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis Guild is
comprised of community volunteers, civic leaders, business and professional men and women committed to improving the quality of life for African-Americans and others. The Guild is an auxiliary that serves as ambassadors for the St. Louis affiliate and the National Council of Urban League Guilds. |
Young Professionals (ULYP)The Urban League Young Professionals of Metropolitan St. Louis (ULYP-STL) is an auxiliary of the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis. It has over 100 young diverse leaders who offer their time, energy and talents to improve the quality of life for residents throughout the metropolitan area and help furthering the local Urban League Movement. ULYP consists primarily of African-Americans ages of 21-39 from all walks of life and professions who believe in the mission of the Urban League.
Federation of Block UnitsThe Federation of Block Units is dedicated to helping residents in the St. Louis community improve their neighborhoods. An auxiliary of the Urban League since 1932, the Federation is the oldest self-help grassroots organization in the St. Louis area.